PJ Networks Blog

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The work week is almost over and you want to relax. Can you really relax when you are worrying about your servers, network, computers and data?

A storm of this size has the potential to bring not only wind and rain damage, but it can also bring a wide variety of power problems including outages and surges. The better prepared you are, the less you have to worry and the more you can relax.

We can’t help much with wind or rain damage, but we can give you some quick and solid advice on how best to be prepared for the weather in store for us this weekend. Here are some ways to protect your systems, your network, and your data.

  • The most secure way to protect your systems and equipment from power outages or spikes is to simply turn off and unplug all attached cabling including your network cable.
  • Battery back-ups (UPS or uninterrupted power supply) are useful in the case of a power loss. The correct type of UPS will function as a surge protector and prevent power spikes from reaching your equipment.
  • Stand-alone surge protectors can be used for electrical power and also for network cables. Yes, power spikes can travel right through network cables to the heart of your systems.

If you have found this information useful, please pass it along to everyone you feel may benefit from it. Be careful this weekend and use common sense. If you need further advice or support, call us today at 434-975-0122 or visit our website,  www.pj-networks.com


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