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Stolen data from Advance Auto Parts available for purchase following security breach

The leading provider of automotive aftermarket parts has become a target of a cyber-attack, resulting in the compromise of their cloud storage environment. The threat actor, known as Sp1d3r, is currently offering a significant amount of data, totaling 3TB, which was obtained by breaching Advance Auto Parts’ cloud storage account – Snowflake.

The stolen data includes sensitive information such as 380 million customer profiles, 140 million customer orders, 44 million Loyalty/Gas card numbers with customer details, auto parts/part numbers, sales history, employment information with SSNs, driver’s license numbers, demographic details, transaction tender details, and information of 358,000 employees, both current and past.

Advance Auto Parts is taking steps to notify affected customers through written communication. The communication by email or mail will contain instructions on how to access the credit monitoring service and any additional measures you may need to take.

Here are a few safety measures you should be implementing to protect yourself:

1. Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly review your bank, credit card, and other financial accounts for any unauthorized transactions.

2. Change Passwords: If you have an online account with Advance Auto Parts, it is advisable to change your password to a strong and unique one.

3. Be Cautious of Phishing: Exercise caution when dealing with unsolicited emails or calls claiming to be from Advance Auto Parts. Scammers may attempt to exploit the breach by offering fraudulent assistance.

4. Check Your Credit Reports: Obtain free credit reports from major credit bureaus such as Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion to check for any suspicious activity.

Remember, remaining vigilant is crucial in protecting yourself following a data breach. For additional details please see the articles below.

Advance Auto Parts leaks 3 TB of data through Snowflake account breach

Terabytes of Advance Auto Parts data stolen in Snowflake attack

Let’s be careful out there!

The PJ Networks Team

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