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This is one of the most common questions that we get asked by business clients and residential clients, alike: “My computer keeps prompting me to take the free upgrade to Windows 10.  Should I go ahead and do it?”

If you’ve been reading our blogs for a while, then you already know the answer.  I there is something specific that Windows 10 can do that your current operating system can’t, then sure, go for it.  If you just have to be able to talk to Cortana or you’ve seen the new file management and Start Menu interfaces, then maybe you’ve got a motivation to make the move.  We have seen from personal experience that 5% to 10% of the computers that get upgraded to Windows 10 experience some kid of issue; a printer doesn’t work anymore, a program starts having issues or a network share doesn’t quite work as consistently.  Most of the time those issues can be easily fixed, but in a few cases, we have had to roll back the upgrade, which can be done anytime in the first 30 days.

However, now that the window for getting the free upgrade to Windows 10 is starting to shrink, the question is coming back around: Should I upgrade to Windows 10?

Well, you might not be surprised to find out that Microsoft had an agenda when they offered the upgrade to Windows 10 for free.  They are looking for more control over your online experience, they want to push their own online services and they want to be able to control what features and search engines you can use when you are surfing the web.  Does that mean that they are evil or that they are doing anything that Google hasn’t done with the Android operating system or Apple isn’t doing with the Mac OS?  No.  They’re just trying to jump into the game and claim their share of the market.

This is an article from Forbes that talks about some of the reasons why Microsoft was willing to give away Windows 10 as a “free upgrade”, and what they have to gain from people taking them up on the offer:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2016/04/29/free-windows-10-cost-expensive-secret/#449c4d47403f .  This article goes into much more detail about the pros and the cons of making the upgrade:  http://www.trustedreviews.com/opinions/windows-10-vs-windows-7

Personally, I like Windows 7 just fine on my home computer, and it does everything that I need or want it to do.  Plus, it will be supported by Microsoft until the year 2020, so I think I will wait it out and then stick with Windows 7 after the free upgrade offer expires – if it ever really does.  I also have a workstation at the office that runs Windows 10, so I am not completely missing out on the fun!  If there is one thing that I’ve learned about the big MS in my 20+ years as a network engineer, it’s that they have patience.  If they see a benefit from offering a free upgrade demonstrate itself in the market, then you can be pretty sure that they will extend the offer as long as it takes to accomplish whatever it is they have in mind.

There are so many technology choices available in the world today that it is tempting to just take the path of least resistance.  I would suggest that we resist that temptation and think carefully before taking that plunge.  After careful consideration, if you still feel good about taking the free upgrade, then have fun with it and see what Windows 10 can do for you.

As always, let’s be careful out there.





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