Our Philosophy Is To Help Your Business Succeed

We can guide you to technology that will help you do exactly that.

PJ Networks takes the time to understand how you run your business. We believe that you shouldn’t build your company around your computer systems, but that you should adapt your network environment to work well for your business. We also understand that people are the backbone of your organization, and they are the ones who get things done - not computers.  By ensuring that your data systems are running as smoothly, reliably and securely as possible, you are providing your employees with the tools and resources that they need in order to make your organization really flourish.

From the very first time that we visit your office, we will ask questions and start learning exactly what is working well for your company and what isn’t. We will talk with you and your staff about the technological challenges, goals and concerns that they have, so that we can focus on the priorities from the very first day that we begin working with you.  We never make recommendations based on what we want to sell you, and we do not walk through the door of any company and immediately say that everything needs to be replaced. In most cases, we can make recommendations based on our experience with other businesses like yours that will allow you to optimize your existing hardware and software without having to make any drastic changes.  However, if you do want to rebuild your network infrastructure and start with a clean slate, we can certainly do that, too, with a minimum amount of downtime or frustrations.

You see, we don’t consider ourselves to be just another vendor trying to sell you something. Each and every one of our clients is like a business partner, because we know that if we can help your company to run more smoothly and efficiently, then your business will prosper and grow, and we will be there with you every step of the way. We will do everything we can to make sure that you are able to do business at all times, and we schedule major projects to take place on evenings and weekends when there is the least disruption to your workflow.

Please take advantage of our experience, wisdom and insight – it won’t cost you a penny to hear what we have to say. Call us in for a free network evaluation and let your computer problems become a thing of the past.

What Makes PJ Networks Different From The Rest?

  • We guarantee that you will always be able to reach an engineer directly when you need assistance - without creating a trouble ticket first, having to submit a work request or leaving a voicemail hoping to get a quick response.
  • We offer 24/7 emergency support, with priority support for clients with a Managed Services support contract in place with us.
  • We respond within one hour to emergency calls, and typically can provide standard business support within one business day of a support request.
  • Each client is assigned one primary engineer and one backup engineer, so that you get to work with the same engineer on an ongoing basis – no “engineer of the day” showing up. The backup engineer will fill in if the primary engineer is unavailable for any reason.
  • We do not sell products or services to our clients without there being a good reason for having them. We will always explain our recommended solutions in full detail and do not expect a client to agree to paying for something that they do not fully understand.

PJ Networks

24/7/365 Service Guarantee

We offer 24/7 emergency support 365 days a year, including all holidays, evenings and weekends. Whether you call at 7AM in the morning or 11PM at night, on New Year’s Eve or Christmas day, you will either reach a Systems Engineer directly or have your call returned within 15 minutes – that is our company policy and our guarantee to our clients.