PJ Networks Blog

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Did you know that it is estimated that only 20% of ALL emails are legitimate?


The worldwide estimate is that there are over 75,000 new malwares and viruses appear on the Internet EVERY DAY and one of the ways these infections get spread the fastest is through your email.

The bad guys around the world are constantly creating new ways to get around existing technology. As fast as a solid defense against spam, malicious and junk emails are put into place, the bad guys find new ways to get around it.

What’s the BEST defense against malicious emails?


Simply put, if you do not know who the email is from, whether personal or from a company, or if you have even the slightest doubt, DO NOT OPEN IT!hand-on-keyboard-1243602

Most emails programs are already configured to help determine what is SPAM or JUNK and will automatically direct suspect emails to the appropriate folder or block them entirely. There are times when a legitimate email will end up in these folders, so give them a look over every week or so.

PJ Networks wants you to be safe in how you handle all of your emails. Rely on and trust your own judgement about opening emails, but if in doubt, DON’T OPEN IT!

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