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Protecting Your Small Business with Cybersecurity

A cyberattack is any malicious attempt to gain unauthorized access to your computer or network with the intent to cause damage. Cyberattacks allow hackers to steal your data leading to major disturbances, monetary setbacks, or even the shutdown of your business. The average expense of a data breach hit USD 4.45 million in 2023, marking a 15% increase from the previous three years. Smaller businesses are frequently singled out by hackers since they are viewed as less secure compared to bigger companies with advanced security measures.

Cybersecurity offers protection that involves safeguarding your systems, networks, and software from online threats. There are five main types of cybersecurity:

  • Critical Infrastructure Security: Protects cyber-physical systems, networks, and assets crucial to society.
  • Application Security: Safeguards software application codes and data from breaches and cyber threats.
  • Network Security: Protects your internal network from unauthorized access caused by malicious intent.
  • Cloud Security: A security tool based on software that safeguards and oversees the data within your cloud assets.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security: Securing internet devices and the networks they are connected to against cyber threats and breaches.

Safeguard your company’s data by training your staff on the essential policies and procedures to prevent cyber threats. Develop a comprehensive cyber security policy that covers password guidelines, email security protocols, data handling procedures, technology usage policies, and social media and internet standards. Providing cyber security education will enable your staff to recognize potential risks, understand how to address them, and know the necessary actions to take in case of a security breach. Check out the articles below to discover more about cybersecurity.


Cybersecurity for small businesses



How to protect small businesses from hackers




Let’s be careful out there!

The PJ Networks Team

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