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Protect your child from cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is the act of using electronic communication to harass, threaten, or humiliate individuals. It is not restricted to online platforms and can occur on mobile devices and social media applications. The growing use of technology has provided bullies with new platforms to intimidate and harass others. Cyberbullying is becoming an increasingly difficult problem for young people, parents, and educators.

Cyberbullying can lead to a child having difficulties in school, along with anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders. Your child may not share their bullying experiences with you or another adult, feeling uncomfortable, ashamed, or scared.

Be vigilant in watching for signs that your child may be a victim of this behavior, which can vary and may include:

● Decline in academic performance.
● Changes in mood and behavior.
● Experiencing anxiety or restlessness when receiving text messages.

Create a safe environment for your child and reassure your child that they are not at fault. Your child’s school should be informed about the situation and how it has affected your child.

You can help prevent your child’s exposure to potential cyberbullying situations by:

● Limiting your child’s access to technology and consider monitoring their social media usage.
● Educating and raising awareness about cyberbullying.
● Teaching your child about online ethics and morals to understand anonymous comments are not made in isolation, and that victims of cyberbullying deserve empathy and support.

As technology continues to advance, it is important to educate your child about the advantages and risks of the digital world. This knowledge will empower them to navigate the online space safely and responsibly. For more information, please refer to the articles below:

Information and resources to curb the problem of cyberbullying


What is Cyberbullying


Let’s be careful out there!

The PJ Networks Team

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