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Keep Yourself Safe from Catfishing

Catfishing is when someone pretends to be someone else online to trick you into forming a relationship, whether it is a friendship or something more romantic. These online scammers want to make you believe they’re genuine so they can take advantage of you financially, get your details, or cause harm in some other way.

The term “catfishing” was created after the release of a documentary in 2010, which showcased a man’s experience with online deceit. This deceptive behavior involves the creation of fraudulent identities on the internet, typically through social media platforms or dating websites.

Online scams are becoming increasingly prevalent. The onset of the pandemic has only exacerbated this issue, leading to a surge in online catfishing cases. No matter how old you are, online scams can still target you. Both younger and older people can be vulnerable to online scams, although the types of scams you encounter may differ depending on your age group.

Being vigilant about specific indicators and cautionary signals is crucial in detecting a catfish scam. It is important to note that catfishers tend to evade video calls or in-person encounters, which should heighten your sense of suspicion. To prevent falling victim to catfishing scams, a combination of education, vigilance, and the use of available resources is essential. Understanding the tactics used by scammers, recognizing the flags, and knowing how to respond are key. Keep yourself updated with cybersecurity blogs, government websites, and online forums. Check out the articles below to learn more.

How to avoid becoming a catfish victim


10 signs your being catfished


Let’s be careful out there!

The PJ Networks Team

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