Albermarle CyberSecurity Conference On Tuesday, October 23rd. There Is Still Time To Register!

If you own or manage a small or medium-sized business in Central Virginia, then you won’t want to miss this event!  Attendees will spend the day learning valuable information about how to protect their companies from the growing threat from online hackers, cyber-criminals, identity thieves and even foreign governments that are actively trying to gain access to sensitive and protected information anywhere and any way they can.  The easiest place for them to get this kind of information is from uninformed Internet users who do not understand the many ways that hackers will try to fool them into clicking on a bad Internet link, opening an infected e-mail attachment or voluntarily giving up login credentials with a malicious pop-up or threatening e-mail message.

Arm yourself against these criminals by educating yourself and your employees!

You can find out more information and register here:

If you would like a copy of the full agenda, just click HERE.

PJ Networks will be presenting information about network, website and facility security, but there are plenty of presenters and break-out tracks to choose from throughout the day.

We hope to see you there!  Please share this post with as many local businesses as possible in order to help protect our local community and keep our community, state and country STRONG against these constant threats.

Let’s be careful out there…

-The PJ Networks Team